How to Make a Frequency Distribution Table Data Using SPSS
How to Make a Frequency Distribution Table Data Using SPSS | Statistics frequency distribution included in univariate statistical categories. Frequency distribution is used to provide an overview and brief glimpse of a group of data in a frequency table.
For example, in this article I will make a frequency distribution table by Gender using SPSS. The data can be seen sex in the picture below.

Description of data:
The number of respondents or N = 16
Coding: 1 = Male, 2 = Female
How to Make a Frequency Distribution Table Data Using SPSS
1. Open the SPSS program, then click the Variable View, in the Name write Gender

2. Next, click Values, a dialog box appears with the name of the Values Label, on typing Values section 1, at the Label write Male, and then click Add. Still in the Values label, in part Values typed 2, at the Label write Female, and then click Add, and click Ok

3. Then click the Data View, enter the data Gender

4. The next step .. from the main menu click Analyze - Descriptives Statistics - Frequencies ..

5. The dialog box appears with the name of Frequencies, enter the variable Gender in the box Variable (s)

6. The last step is to click Ok .. then appear SPSS output as follows.

Interpretation Output Frequency Distribution
The above output displays values obtained Male Frequency by 10 people or 62.5%, while the frequency of Female of 6 people or 37.5%.
[Keywords: How to Make a Frequency Distribution Table Data Using SPSS, Step by Step Frequency Distribution Analysis in SPSS 21]
[IMG: Document SPSS version 21]
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