How to Mann Whitney U Test in SPSS Completed Successfully
How to Mann Whitney U Test in SPSS Completed Successfully | Mann Whitney U Test is part of non parametric statistical test that aims to determine whether there is a difference in the average group with independent samples. Mann Whitney U Test is an independent sample t test when the research data is not normally distributed.
Requirements Mann Whitney U Test in SPSS
To do Mann Whitney U Test there are several conditions that must be met, among others:
Examples of Mann Whitney U Test Cases
We will compare the average salary of salesmen on slimming herbal companies by 2017 based on the gender of the salesman. The number of salesmen used as the research sample is as many as 15 people selected at random. The data salary salesman slimming herbal company in 2017 is as follows.

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Step by Step Mann Whitney U Test in SPSS
1. Open the SPSS application then click Variable View, then define the research variables as shown below

2. Click Data View, then enter Salesman Salary data into the Salary variable, then enter the Gender Code data into the Gender variable

3. From the SPSS menu click Analyze >> Nonparametric Test >> Legacy Dialogs >> 2 Independent Samples ...

4. From the "Two-Independent-Sample Test" dialog box, enter the Salary Salesman in 2017 variable into the Test Variable List column, then enter the Gender variable into the Grouping Variable column, in "Test Type" select Mann-Whitney U

5. Next click Define Groups, then type 1 for Group 1 and type 2 for Group 2, then click Continue

6. Finally click Ok to end the command.
Mann Whitney U Test Interpretation

The "Rank Interpretation" of this table is known to Mean Salary Salesman in 2017 for Female of 5.21 lower than Salary Salesman in 2017 for Male. So it can be concluded there is a difference in the average salary of salesmen in slimming herbal companies in 2017 based on the gender of the salesman.

"Test Statistics Interpretation" from this table is known value of Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) equal to 0,022 <probability 0,05, hence can be concluded that difference of earnings salary of salesman at herbal slimming company year 2017 based on gender of salesman is SIGNIFICAN.
- The dependent variable data must be ordinal scale, interval, or ratio.
- Consists of two unpaired samples.
- Random sampling.
- The second variance of the sample is homogeneity.
Examples of Mann Whitney U Test Cases
We will compare the average salary of salesmen on slimming herbal companies by 2017 based on the gender of the salesman. The number of salesmen used as the research sample is as many as 15 people selected at random. The data salary salesman slimming herbal company in 2017 is as follows.

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Step by Step Mann Whitney U Test in SPSS
1. Open the SPSS application then click Variable View, then define the research variables as shown below

2. Click Data View, then enter Salesman Salary data into the Salary variable, then enter the Gender Code data into the Gender variable

3. From the SPSS menu click Analyze >> Nonparametric Test >> Legacy Dialogs >> 2 Independent Samples ...

4. From the "Two-Independent-Sample Test" dialog box, enter the Salary Salesman in 2017 variable into the Test Variable List column, then enter the Gender variable into the Grouping Variable column, in "Test Type" select Mann-Whitney U

5. Next click Define Groups, then type 1 for Group 1 and type 2 for Group 2, then click Continue

6. Finally click Ok to end the command.
Mann Whitney U Test Interpretation

The "Rank Interpretation" of this table is known to Mean Salary Salesman in 2017 for Female of 5.21 lower than Salary Salesman in 2017 for Male. So it can be concluded there is a difference in the average salary of salesmen in slimming herbal companies in 2017 based on the gender of the salesman.

"Test Statistics Interpretation" from this table is known value of Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) equal to 0,022 <probability 0,05, hence can be concluded that difference of earnings salary of salesman at herbal slimming company year 2017 based on gender of salesman is SIGNIFICAN.
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